Photos of the Week - Week 50


Critique Group Challenge: 

Week 50, Half And Half

Photo by Lois Bennett

Click to view a larger image 

Lois says: 

I photographed a leaf and then changed the background, created a layer in PS, converted to b&w, and used inverse to reverse the colors of the main subject and background and then erased parts to give this image. I then added a border.


52-Week Photo Challenge Class
Week 50 - Light Painting


Week 52 Photo Challenge:

Week 50, Light Painting

Photo by Elspeth Davis

Click to view a larger image.

Elspeth  says:  



Smart Phone Photo Challenges
Week 50 - Rudolf

Smart Phone Challenge:

Week 50, Rudolf

Photo by Cate Armstrong

Click to view a larger image.

Cate says: 

"Then one foggy eve…"



Ricky's Challenge Photos

Smart Phone Challenge:

Week 50, Rudolf

Photo by Ricky Tims

Click to view a larger image.

Ricky says:

I went with the works Shiny as in had a very shiny nose. This is reflection in the front door side lights with the tree lights.




Critique Group Challenge:

Week 50, Half And Half

Photo by Ricky Tims
from the 2023 Critique Group

Click to view a larger image.

Ricky says:

I went with something silly - I didnt' have Oreo's which was my first inclination (don't ask, it was probably not the best idea). For this I made selections of half leaves and placed them on a separate layer. The selection was filled with purple. - then blending (to retain the veins), the purple turned yellow-ish. That top layer was slightly burred to allow for smoothing. No filters - Flattened and saved.


Photos of the Week - Week 49


Critique Group Challenge: 

Week 49, Self Portrait

Photo by Clark Poppleton

 Click to view a larger image 

Clark says: 

First off, I'm not a big fan of this challenge because I'm not one to take a lot of portraits, much less selfies. Second, as you can see, my little buddy just has to steal the show any chance he gets.


52-Week Photo Challenge Class
Week 49 - Self Portrait


Week 52 Photo Challenge:

Week 49, Self Portrait

Photo by Debbie Huewe

Click to view a larger image.

Debbie says:  


Smart Phone Photo Challenges
Week 49 - Self Portrait


Smart Phone Challenge:

Week 49, Self Portrait

Photo by Allison Haggarty

Click to view a larger image.

Allison says: 

Ricky's Challenge Photos



Critique Group Challenge:

Week 49, Self Portrait

Photo by Ricky Tims
from the 2023 Critique Group Challenge

Click to view a larger image.

Ricky says: 

This is a montage of one of my dad's quilts (as that is what I've been working on a lot lately), and me. Maybe it is a metaphor to visually show that part of him is inside me.




Photos of the Week - Week 48


Critique Group Challenge: 

Week 48, Shadow Play

Photo by Chris Maher

Click to view a larger image 

Chris says: 

When I saw the challenge, my first thought was to go to Longwood Gardens at night to capture the shadows generated by this contraption - not sure what they call it. To be clear, the pattern on the ground are shadows generated by the light inside the structure. On Monday night I went over to the gardens. I got there around 7:15 and stayed until 9:30. I started and ended my time at this spot. There were far less people in my way later in the evening. I ended the evening talking photos while walking around the structure and put together a Pep Ventosa version as well, but I chose this shot as I liked it the best for showing off the pattern of shadows.


52-Week Photo Challenge Class
Week 48 - HDR


Week 52 Photo Challenge:

Week 48, HDR

Photo by Cheryl Franklin

Click to view a larger image.

Cheryl  says:  



Smart Phone Photo Challenges
Week 48 - Wooden

Smart Phone Challenge:

Week 48, Wooden

Photo by Wendy Browne

Click to view a larger image.

Wendy says: 

Bark of a London Plane Tree.



Ricky's Challenge Photos

Smart Phone Challenge:

Week 48, Wooden

Photo by Ricky Tims

Click to view a larger image.

Ricky says:

This is a little jewelry chest I got in high school - it's lost in clasp (you can see), I used the Blossom filter in Prisma but pulled it way back so just a hint.




Critique Group Challenge:

Week 48, Shadow Play

Photo by Ricky Tims
from the 2023 Critique Group

Click to view a larger image.

Ricky says:

A flashlight - a chair back, the floor, and a rug. I liked the abstract vibe. The red is from our red lamp light bulb - not manipulated.


Photos of the Week - Week 47


Critique Group Challenge: 

Week 47, Colors Of November

Photo by Carol Freda

 Click to view a larger image 

Carol says: 

In November, the lines and shapes of barren trees and foliage stand out against muted yellows, blues, and browns. A stark contrast to the October’s burst of orange, red, and yellow hues.


52-Week Photo Challenge Class
Week 47 - Color Scheme


Week 52 Photo Challenge:

Week 47, Color Scheme

Photo by Olivia Edwards

Click to view a larger image.

Olivia says:  


Smart Phone Photo Challenges
Week 47 - Stripes


Smart Phone Challenge:

Week 47, Stripes

Photo by Virginia Knab

Click to view a larger image.

Virginia says: 






Photos of the Week - Week 46


Critique Group Challenge: 

Week 46, Power of One

Photo by Hugo Dos Santos

 Click to view a larger image 

Hugo says: 

Buffalo is a majestic animal, and I was lucky to see a group of them, but this one protected them. It's just a 45 minute drive, but it's so nice to see Elk, Deer, Buffalos, Coyotes, and wild turkeys... and it's all so beautiful to watch and be grateful for.


52-Week Photo Challenge Class
Week 46 - Step and Repeat


Week 52 Photo Challenge:

Week 46, Step and Repeat

Photo by Gabor Kovacs

Click to view a larger image.

Gabor says:  


Smart Phone Photo Challenges
Week 46 - Rock and Roll


Smart Phone Challenge:

Week 46, Rock and Roll

Photo by Sandy Low

Click to view a larger image.

Sandy says: 

Ricky's Challenge Photos



Critique Group Challenge:

Week 46, Power of One

Photo by Ricky Tims
from the 2023 Critique Group Challenge

Click to view a larger image.

Ricky says: 

I used my Rock-n-Roll image with an edit here to show the Power of One. This was Splish Splash I was Taking a Bath.




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