Heart Flower by Deborah Kemball (Brazil)
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Over the years I've had a small obsession with collecting quilts. Most of them have been acquired from miniature quilt auctions. Some at local guilds or charity fundraisers. Many of them were acquired during International Quilt Festival at the Celebrity Miniature Quilt Auction that was associated with the International Quilt Association which as an annual fundraiser for the organization.
The quilt in the IQA auction were generally submitted from prize-winning quilt artists. Several years ago this quilt caught my eye. I loved that it was hand made—hand needle-turned appliqué with hand embroider and densely quilted by hand. Deborah Kemball. This quilt measures 24" x 24" (61cm x 61cm).
A picture is worth a thousand words. Check out the details by clicking on the images for a larger view. Learn more about Deborah Kemball, her books, quilts, and awards HERE.

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