On the second day of the workshop André took our half of the group into the nearby Fundy National Park. We stopped at a waterfall, a stand of fading trees, and a bluff overlooking the Bay of Fundy. We were encouraged to carefully compose our shots and try to utilize the techniques we were learning. Here are a few results from my second day of the Freeman Patterson and André Gallant workshop in St. Martins, New Brunswick.
At the falls I composed this simple photo of a twig of turning leaves. The photo with the steps was composed as a wide angle shot leading the viewer to my classmates on the viewing platform.

The last photo I'm sharing from this location is an abstraction of the falls.

The final three photos here are shots of trees along the road. There is panning and multiple exposure on the first two.
The last one is a particular favorite because it is only a hint of what it was originally. It has the feeling of trees on a bank reflected into ice or water, but was not the case. I'm just sayin'...

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