One of my conversations was with Jan Magee, editor of The Quilt Life magazine. Maybe you've heard of it? Well, she was asking if I could spread the word that we are looking for fun photographs with the letters T Q L in the photo. I know my peeps are the most creative on the planet, so why not ask YOU to see what you can do. They can be for any month or season - or totally just whimsical. That's what we want. Here are a few that have appeared in recent issues of The Quilt Life magazine. I carved the apple.

We've even had a version spelled out with dog biscuits! What will your creative mind think of? I can't wait to see! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and if we use it we'll send you a free copy of the magazine!
Mindless rambling alert:
It rained this afternoon in La Veta. Yay!
Mable's big ole happy-dog tail keeps knocking some of my Streak of Lighting patches off of the design wall. How shall I solve that problem? (no pins please)
Tomorrow I'm going somewhere I've never been. Hint.... it's quilt related and I don't have to get on an airplane.
Go with me on Route 66 next June! - I'm just sayin'.....
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