Photos of the Week - Week 25Critique Group Challenge: Week 25, A Dream Photo by Rocky Wells Click to view a larger image Rocky says: If you are going to have "a dream", then DREAM BIG & IN COLOR"! This is a shot of the side of a building in North Tampa I took on Father's Day when Gayle & I were headed to my daughter's home for a family get-together. I have passed by this many times in the past and always thought it would be cool to use if an appropriate challenge presented itself. And it did thanks to Ricky!! |
52-Week Photo Challenge Class
Smart Phone Photo Challenges
Ricky's Challenge Photos
Smart Phone Challenge: Week 25, Paper Photo by Ricky Tims Click to view a larger image. Ricky says: This is a simple, small paper dinner napkin with a print on the opposite side which is showing through a little bit. I twisted it thinking I would make a little flower. But that didn’t work, still I shot it and I liked the way it turned out. Edited in Prisma app with Balloon
Critique Group Challenge: Week 25, A Dream Photo by Ricky Tims Click to view a larger image. Ricky says: Today as I was working on this challenge the day was filled with rain and fog and mystery all over the mountain. I took several Nikon photos and worked on doing double exposure blending to create a fantasy. My efforts were ok, but fell short. Tonight as I was taking the dogs out for the final time, the solar lights and my little table sitting area became a wonderful subject. I ended up experimenting with my iPhone to do some rotation with long exposure and then I also did a fairly straight shot are used an image blending app to do the double exposure to create a feeling of a drain in this foggy dusky setting
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