52-Week Photo Challenge Class Week 7 - Black & White

Week 52 Photo Challenge:
Week 7, Black & White
Photo by Larry Stiles
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Larry Stiles says:
Wooden ships on the water, very free and easy. Easy,you know the way it's supposed to be “Of Wind, Fog and Sail” by Diane Beestan is a book of black and white photos of sailing boats racing on San Francisco Bay, where I grew up. I have always said, and it may still be true, that if the house catches on fire the last thing I’ll grab on my way out the door would be that book. This image connected me back to that book. It sets on our coffee table in a place of honor. In my view, B&W photography relieved painting of the responsibility of conveying a graphic reality. Color photography took over that job leaving B&W to become the bridge between the two with standing in both camps. Black and White photography for me is a license to enter an image freely and leave behind the restrictions of the literal color world. Sometimes a color image will grab and hold me by the ears where a B&W will take me by the hand and lead me forward. Advancing storm clouds illuminated by the last direct sun light to be seen for a while. The Trumpeter Swans are oblivious. They’re big tough birds. Doing B&W in LRC is so much easier that with film, paper and chemicals. Different for sure.
Smart Phone Photo Challenges Week 7 - Reflection

Smart Phone Challenge:
Week 7, Reflection
Photo by Ellen Lindow
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Ellen says:
I went to the State Fair today and took a bunch of photos. I was hoping for a shot of the big Ferris Wheel with a reflection in the pond. I've taken shots like that before. But it was windy and cloudy (and hot and humid!). But I got some good looking shots and Linda Rowberry had just shared an app she had found called Reflect. I downloaded several photos I liked to my computer and replaced the sky in Photoshop. Then I uploaded them back to icloud and used the Reflect app, which has all sorts of wild and crazy things. I liked the lighting of this one the best, but the foreground had no water and no reflection. So I just went full-on Waterworld with this one.
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