Michelle Pearson (who I dubbed the Divine Miss M) is the force behind Handcrafter's House in Perth that hosted the master classes. The shop is a quilter's must-see place when visiting Perth and they have a very large selection of fabric. I was able to snag about 25-30 fabrics with Australian/Aboriginal designs to add to my "collection".
Because of the way I teach (lecture style to large audiences), it is a logistical and organizational feat to pull it off. Kudos to Michelle and her amazing staff for pulling out all the stops. Not only was the theater a perfect venue, but the extra effort she put forth to tour Justin and myself around before and after the event made our visit even more memorable. All I can say is, "Whoo-hoo Michelle!"
During the last session of my master class, I felt someone touch my arm from behind. I turned to see who it was, but there was nobody there. It so distracted me that I commented about it to the audience. About 2 minutes later, it happened again. I'm on the stage with nobody else and something/someone touched me. The experience raised the hairs on my neck.
Later, after the seminar was over, I was told the name of the theater. It is the Metcalfe Theater, named after the actor Edgar Metcalfe who, though English born, lived most of his life in Perth. Then I was told that Edgar_Metcalfe had passed away on September 13th - just three days before my classes. I don't know if there is a connection, but I've never had any kind of an experience like it. Was it a ghost? I'm just sayin'...
Here are a few more photos for you to enjoy.

I added to my didgeridoo collection x2. In addition, I dipped my toes in the Indian Ocean for the first time!

I snapped this photo of a lionfish at AQWA - Aquarium of Western Australia.

Pre-dawn glow greets us as we arrived at the balloon launch area. Check out Venus.

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