We had a great day finishing up the seminar in Socorro, NM. Whoo-hoos to our new quilting friends. It was Justin's birthday and there was even cake in the lobby to share with everyone. Justin turned 48. Here's a photo of Justin - he's the one on the left.
Many of you know of Roswell, NM. It's famous for a UFO incident in 1947. However, Socorro, NM also has it's own UFO incident that received national media attention. Lonnie Zamora was a police officer who reported the incident. You can learn about it here.
Driving down the main drag in Socorro I saw several little green men. So I'm a believer. I stopped to have a chat and as you can see, I learned this one's name is Miguel. Miguel seemed unappreciated living at the pottery store, so I asked him to come to La Veta and live. So far he seems happy with that decision.

The concert was so moving and uplifting. Thanks Justin for sharing your birthday with us!
Hope Miquel likes his new home!
As for the little green men, Now, I do have to say that, I'm from Roswell, NM, and we really have a handle on the alien thing. You should come visit us sometime. I'm sure Miguel is happy in the Mountains in La Veta. The Colorado mountains are really beautiful. Thanks to you and Justin and the reat of your staff for two wonderful days.
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