In the afternoon of Day 1, Andre Gallant taught us to do a technique called "panning." The objective is to move the camera while the shutter is briefly open to get impressionistic effects. Here are some examples of my first efforts at doing panning. The first photo is of a stand of sunflowers. My evaluation of this photo is that the composition is fine (two strong rectangles). However, the panning doesn't give any real impact the the sunflowers.

Here are a couple of photos that I really love of ferns. You can tell the difference in the effect. I like both but the more blurred one is appealing to me because the ferns remind me of fossils.

The photo of the sea gull was captured by following the bird in flight. I really like the woven texture created in the background.

Below are a few more photos I took late in the afternoon of our first day. I was getting my feet wet with new techniques. Keep in mind, these photos are intended to be artistic expressions and not documentary photos. In other words, they are blurred on purpose... I'm just sayin'...

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