super seminar - olmsted falls

Today was set up and start day for the Ricky Tims Super Quilt Seminar in Olmsted Falls, OH (Cleveland metro area). It's always fun to see the group on the first day - they are so polite and well-behaved. Then, tomorrow, all "you-know-what" breaks loose as they realize we're here to learn, but we're also here to have fun. Hello Cleveland - I love ya!


This is a tribute to my visit to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Everyone has a time that they would call 'the good old days' and we usually have strong associations with the music from those years. Music has a way of taking you back to a time and place where the memories come rushing in.

I graduated from high school in 1974 so the music of the 70s takes me back. Here's a list of five of the twenty-two songs I just added to my iPhone today. Can you recall the year they were tops? Do any of these songs take you back in time?

Delta Dawn - Helen Ready

Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon and Garfunkel

Play That Funky Music - Wild Cherry

Hot Stuff - Donna Summer

American Pie - Don McLean

ricky tims - rock hall

I'm told that if you have one day to do something in Cleveland that it should be a visit to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. We'll I had one day to kill and that's exactly what Justin and I did. 

I was not a rocker so I have limited memories and associations with many of the artists there, but I did enjoy the Elvis, Beatles, and Michael Jackson exhibits. There is so much to see that if you are really into the history of pop/rock music as we know it today - this IS the place to go.

I enjoyed seeing the performers outfits because it gave a sense of their size and build - something you can't ascertain from TV. I also enjoyed the video clips of irate preachers and hyped-up DJs from the 60's and 70's ranting about the "music of Satan" and breaking records left and right. I had forgotten about that chapter. It brought to mind a "youth evangelist" that I heard when I was about 13 years old who, red-faced, screaming, and determined to bring rock and roll to a halt, condemned music that is commonly consider classic rock today. Remember all the "evil messages" that you could get from backmasking?

What's your favorite song from back in the day? - or who is/was your favorite pop/rock artist?


It's not so surprising that I love the quilts of Laura Wasilowsky. Her quilts are whimsical, colorful, and alway make me smile. This past week at the AQS show in Paducah I finally bit the bullet and purchased one. They are all so cheerful that making a choice is hard. To see more work by Laura Wasilowsky - visit her website - Artfabrik.

ricky tims and gang
Left to right - Laura Wasilowsky, Marilyn Badger, Ricky Tims, Denise Havlan, and Wendy Butler Burns.

Ricky Tims Pat Holly

Me and Pat Holly - who won her third Best Miniature Quilt award at AQS this year.

Each year at the AQS show, Caryl Bryer Fallert hosts a fabulous dinner party and I always enjoy going because so many of my good friends are there. This year was no exception and many of the attendees are well-known prize-winning quilt artists. Among those assembled were Libby Lehman, Mariya Waters, Hollis Chatelain, Pat Holly, Laura Wasilowsky, Annette Hendricks, Denise Havlan, Wendy Butler Burns, Judy Zoelzer Levine, Marilyn Badger, Claudia Clark Meyers, and more.

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Ricky Tims Photography 

The Quilt Show