Lizzy Albright and the Attic Window (paperback) A fantasy chapter novel, 6˝ x 9˝ paperback, 352 pages... Product #: lizzy_book_INTL Regular price: $19.95 $19.95 In Stock

Lizzy Albright and the Attic Window

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Price: $19.95

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Lizzy Albright and the Attic Window (paperback)

An over-imaginative girl, an antique quilt, a goose named Gretta, and a cursed kingdom, combine to provide the foundation for a fantastic story filled with surprise, wonderment, and bravery. A STORY THAT CONNECTS GENERATIONS. This is a chapter novel, 6˝ x 9˝ paperback, 352 pages. For middle grades and young adults of all ages. It's the 1964 tale of ten year old Lizzy Albright and her journey (inspired by a 1930s quilt) to the kingdom of Ailear.


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