Biographical Information

Ricky Tims has successfully blended two diverse passions into one very unique and interesting career. His skills as a pianist, composer and producer have been evident by the thousands who have heard his music. His success as a quilter is equally significant.  He is known in the international world of quilting as an enthusiastic and encouraging teacher, an award-winning quilter, and a talented and spellbinding speaker. His innovative and entertaining presentations, feature live music and humor combined with scholarly insights and wisdom. His quilts have been displayed worldwide, and are highly regarded as excellent examples of contemporary quilts with traditional appeal.


An Interview

Ricky Tims – Texan, Musician, Quilter
By Rebecca Collins, North Wales
Reprinted with permission

So reads this man’s business card.  Texan:  For anyone who IS, this is a very proud boast indeed.  They will be very quick to tell you, "Anyone can become an American, but you have to be born a Texan!"  Musician:  From a very early age Ricky knew that music was to be his life.  He recorded his first album at the tender age of five.  At university he trained in concert piano performance and the composition of music.  He had the great misfortune to have all his university compositions scattered by the wind of a F5 tornado as it swept through his hometown of Wichita Falls, Texas taking with it his and 5000 other family homes.  Music continues to be his first love and fortunately for the quilting world he has chosen to combine his composition and performing of music with his quilting activities.  Quilter:  A close bond with one of his grandmothers ultimately led him into the world of quilting but more about that later when he tells you himself how he became a quilter.